Media & TV Solutions

Master your
digital universe

We provide digital managment solutions to media and television companies, enabling them to manage digital assets across complex business structures and workflows from acquisition to delivery.

A key objective in our approach is to manage compliance.

We not only manage and enable millions of digital assets to be distributed across business networks, we also provide the tools that enable clients to control assets properly from the legal elements of obeying licensing periods, exclusivity contracts, usage rights, agent approvals, through to restricting the visibilty as it passes through complex workflows.

WoodWing Assets, which is the name of our DAM technology platform, offers incredible performance. Databases can store and share millions of assets without any deterioration in performance, thanks to clever search algorithms that ensure users find and access the assets they require quickly and easily.

WoodWing Assets also provides tools that enable the creative and production teams to produce digital and print media instantaneously, on-the-fly. This delivers the most efficient and effective user experience, because it enables users, wherever they are, to access approved, high-quality assets for use in creating multi-media output in real-time.

As well as providing a dynamic and scalable technology platform, training and support, we also have a team of experts to manage implementation, and we provide the resource and expertise to migrate legacy data efficiently and cost effectively.